maanantai 8. helmikuuta 2010

First class in January 2010

It is quite fascinating to produce the work for a course by writing a blog and as this is new to me, please excuse the probable mistakes...

When I chose to attend this class I was expecting a low turnout of men, which is quite common for any course given by the language department, but touching upon the topic of discourse and gender in other courses lead me to this course. The first class was interesting, especially the clip from Harry Enfield show, which reminded me of a standup comedien who also plays with these stereotypical concepts of men and women and gender differences - Dane Cook. A very funny guy.

It is quite interesting to see these gendered expectations in modern societies and I am fascinated to attend a class that has a "feminist" ring to it. And I did learn new things that I hadn´t heard before, such as the concept of acquiring a gender and that it isn´t innate in us. This was interesting to think about...

The first class left a good impression and I feel like we are going to have interesting conversations during the course.

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